Laundry is not my favorite task....specifically folding laundry is not my favorite thing to do. It is usually last on my to do list and I have been known to have 4 loads at a time waiting to be folded. However, now that I have 5 people in my family and my husband is no longer doing a job that requires a uniform (which was professionally dry cleaned), I know I need to work a little harder on laundry before it OVERTAKES my life.
I am trying the following strategies:
1. Wash a load every day. Dry a load every day. Fold a load every day.---it takes minutes to start a load and switch the load into the dryer. The task of folding laundry takes a little longer but folding one load takes significantly less time than folding 4 or 5 loads.
2. Enlist your kids' help.---Kids as young as 4 or 5 are excellent folders and can put their own clothes away. Younger kids can sort socks, fold washcloths, etc. Put your kids to work taming the laundry monster with you. They are great company and many hands make light work!
3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.---This popular phrase applies to laundry too! Does any child NEED 45 items of clothing? That is how many shirts I counted in my sons drawer. I reduced the amount he had (donate or pass down outgrown clothes to your own younger kids or friends with younger children, sell at a consignment store, etc.) This helps in two ways...less clothes to launder and now it is far easier for clothes to be put away. The drawer opens and closes a lot easier!
I am sure I will slip at times and end up with several loads of laundry to fold, but I am going to do my best to keep things on track laundry wise! I would love to hear other tips for keeping laundry on track!